
Hello! Welcome to my portfolio website.

I am Khalidah Binte Mohamed Khalid.
Born on 28 March 1996
A Happy-Go-Lucky Production and Design girl.

Currently studying Diploma in Media Production & Design
in Republic Polytechnic.

Reasons why I am in Media Production & Design are:
Firstly, I love designing and drawing as it would showcase my creativity and imagination on a canvas.
Secondly, I also enjoy shooting & editing videos, even though I am not good at it, I am willing to learn.
In hopes, with my passion, that one day, I will be able to make something that people will enjoy watching. 

I hope you will learn more about me through this website. Enjoy!

CV / Resume

This is my CV or Resume, that i have designed as part of a class assignment. 
It shows the different skills i am capable of doing and willing to do.
It also shows my interests and the different education levels I have achieved.

Artist's Statement

"Believe in yourself & start working hard on your dreams. It maybe hard now, but it will pay off in the future,
doing something you love. Never regret the things you do."


You may contact me and check more of my works through these links provided. 
Email: khalidah28@gmail.com
Phone Number: +65 8118 4051        
Youtube Channel: 
    Pinterest: Khalidah28